The ingredients of a perfect hoax
- A popular tycoon (eg:Google) to attack on.
- Assistance of facts and figures.
- Catchy titles and description.
- A hoax receptive audience.
The final ingredient was my point of research.And from the results i found this.
- 40% will digest it.
- 30% will get contradicted.
- 30% will get the catch.
- From that 30%,10% will respond.
And who spreads the plague?
The contradicted 30%.They spread the stuff.They discuss it in forums,forward the mails and this way a successful hoax is born.And a funny aspect is that some of them would even link to the story.Ooh la la.
Blogging and story crafting
So what has this to do with blogging.If a hoax can get viral then why can't a classy blog post.So lets put it in blog terms.
Ingredients of a perfect blog post
- Topic:A problem that is common in your niche with no satisfying solution online(Google the topic).
- A well written post with assistance of facts & figures.
- Catchy title & description.
- Last but not the least,a answer seeking audience.