Well you might have ended up here after a long search for finding a hack for viewing locked orkut albums.I am not gonna fool you like all those before me have done.I will save you from the horror. Quite frankly you cannot view locked orkut albums as for now.All those hacks which might have worked before won't work anymore because the loopholes were all fixed by orkut.But you can surpass orkut's latest restriction to save photos from an open album.I will tell you how,but first things first.Lets list out the popular so called hacks that are no more working.
1.The javascript ain't working
javascript:alert("Wait for few seconds for pic`s to load......");nb= document.all[0].innerHTML.match(/[0-9]*.jpg\)/g);nb=parseInt(nb);document.body.innerHTML=”
SCRIPT BY Ethical Hacking Community”;for(i=1;i<=100;i++){document.body.innerHTML+=’

Don't bother copying and pasting this code.I wonder if this hack ever worked.
2.The greasemonkey script ain't working.
The script 'View Locked Album in Orkut Style' won't get you through locked albums either.
These two things have been filling the entire google search pages for some time.So never even care to read if what they are gonna tell you is one of these two.
And about saving album photos.Orkut disabled the right click on album photos and hence you cannot save using the right click option.I think that this kind of some imposition is unnecessary as there is the 'Lock album' feature for those who want to protect their photos.There are many hacks to this.
1.If you use firefox.Direct to the album page.Go Tools>Page Info>Media>Point to the image from the list>Save as.Ooh la la.
2.Easier method.Drag the image to the address bar which will in turn show the address of the image.Hit go and the image will appear where you can right click and save.
3.Take screen shot.Hit print screen key on your key board.Open up a new file in MSpaint and click Cntrl+V.Or you can use modern screencapture tools like Snagit or Faststone.
Hope this helped.